Monday, April 20, 2009

Janean can tea bag this you racist granola yuppie

yes, there are alot of swear words, even the 'c' word which usually causes me to tune out. but this was too f-ing funny.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


i am posting this because i, personally, find this subject fascinating. i live near one of these places. it's a secret though, so no one knows about it. lol.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



Pity the Saucer-Men

The Sovereign Society Offshore A-Letter
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - Vol. 11, No. 64

Pity the Saucer-Men:

For They Know Not Where They’ve Come

Dear A-Letter Reader,

Uncover the Mystery and Discover the Truth! (or so the website says)

This year’s week-long UFO convention is slated for Vegas in July. And some of the regular attendees are hoping for some… “extremely foreign” guests.

As for the existence of intelligent life outside of this little Blue Planet, we can’t say. But if aliens do exist…and they chose to visit us right around now…

Well, we’d feel pretty sorry for them.

A Day in Bizarro World

Confusion and Dismay are the reactions we’d imagine.

For they’ve come to a planet where rules and regulation mean mayhem…where “laws” mean off-the-hip decisions…where competition is subsidy…and the world’s largest insurer is also the world’s largest gambler.

They’ve come to a world whose people would all admit we face a state of global crisis, and yet “our” governments frantically engage in massive, untested remedies at the risk of making it all terribly worse.

They’ve come to a place where the businesses of a single street– where the wall once stood – can pay a relatively trivial sum of American currency to the government (in the form of noble contribution), and in turn foist their tremendous debts upon generations of the nation’s public.

Perhaps our visitors would rule out “coincidence” there. They might even say we got a raw deal.

If nothing else, our world would fascinate them. Maybe even make good material for their schools…

“Alright now children…what did we learn from the FDIC’s insurance rate hike in the early months of 2009? Yes, Bobby.”

“We learned that small regional banks would be punished for the weak balance sheets of the country’s superbanks. The superbanks were much worse off, and the FDIC raised its rates because of their solvency issues. But the raise in rates would raise operating costs for all banks…even the well-off regional outfits. It’s a perfect example of unintended consequences. When the government intervenes to aid one company, it often does so at the risk of harming others.”

“That’s correct.”

Sharing a Coffee with E.T.

And if you manage to convince a “visitor” to share a coffee, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to take them to Starbucks. You’d already have enough to explain without four-dollar-coffee.

“I mean, what it comes down to is healthy businesses doing healthy business,” they’d tell you over an Orange Mocha Frappucino, “that’s what you need to recover. And trust me…we even struggled with varying degrees of government intervention during crises. As long as there are greedy people, it’s likely to remain a necessary evil.”

“But it takes a master’s touch…because you’re always playing with an unexpected set of possible consequences. Help one company because you believe they pose a catastrophic risk, and you’re likely to hurt their competition. The worst part? Their competition is the healthy companies…the responsible companies. So it’s always a double-edged sword.”

“Like that report you showed me…that AIG was offering more competitive rates on life insurance than their healthy un-subsidized competition. Or the other one…where Warren Buffet’s company – one of only seven remaining AAA credits in the country – is paying more for credit than questionable, government-backed competition. In both cases, the healthy suffer…maybe even as much as the sick benefit.”

“And you simply can’t have these types of things happening without a major loss of confidence across the broad economy. Be mindful of your confidence in times like these…it’s the thread holding you over the void.”

Maybe you personally muster the confidence to ask them how they deal with crises like this one.

“We don’t have them.”

“What?! Why not?”

“We don’t let our companies get big enough to pose catastrophic risk in the first place. That’s just bad management. Either you regulate them all the way or not at all. And you actually have to enforce those rules too. The whole idea that banks can trade in unregulated instruments – like Credit Default Swaps – and still enjoy the protection of FDIC insurance…that’s just doesn’t work.”

They’d likely go on to tell you that despite the mayhem and uncertainty, there are still a few serious opportunities out there. You’d have to look harder…and find some specialized help.

“But you can still find immense profits from picking up business that the incapacitated superbanks are leaving behind…simply lending capital to productive and capable parties. It’s that easy. Funding is in short supply, and people are paying handsomely for it.”

Or, they might go on, “You could also trade in ‘coin-of-the-realm.’ The fundamentals might be ‘on-hold’ at the moment, but some powerful trends are making for huge profits in foreign exchange markets. There’s always a bull market somewhere in currencies.”

Maybe they’d have better advice than we can dream up…we certainly hope they do.

Because in these new times – where up is down, left is right, and you wouldn’t know your government from a hole in your pocket – …well, let’s just say it’s gotten a lot harder to see what’s around the bend.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Motorist pulled over and quizzed... for LAUGHING at the wheel

Motorist pulled over and quizzed... for LAUGHING at the wheel
By Chris Brooke
Last updated at 12:29 AM on 05th March 2009

When Gary Sanders was pulled over by police he was sure he had done nothing wrong.

The company director was obeying the speed limit and not driving dangerously.

But to his astonishment he was told he had been stopped for excessive laughing.

Mr Sanders had been talking on a hands-free kit and was chuckling at what his friend had said.

But the officer who ordered him to stop at the exit to the Mersey Tunnel told him: ‘Laughing while driving a car can be an offense.’

If that had been the end of the matter then Mr Sanders, 47, would probably have laughed the whole thing off.

But he subjected him to a 35-minute grilling, with questions about everything from his ethnic group to details of distinguishing scars on his body.

And despite not being charged with an offense, he still had to waste a further 90 minutes of his time producing his driving license and other documents at a police station.

Due to the delay Mr Sanders, the managing director of Liverpool-based Spontex Workwear, missed an important business appointment.

He said: 'I couldn't believe it when he told me I'd been pulled over for for laughing. I was driving very safely in the Birkenhead Tunnel and took a call from a friend on my hand-free phone.

'He said something funny and I was laughing - simple as that. I never took my eyes off the road and was in full control of the car.

'Then I noticed the police car flashing its lights and the officer signaling me to pull over. I definitely wasn't speeding so I asked what the problem was and he told me I was laughing too much.

'The officer accused me of throwing my head back in a dangerous way, which I denied since it is definitely not something I do.

'I was astonished that he could say that laughing might be an offense. What is the country coming too? I was kept there for 35 minutes answering unrelated questions like what ethnic group I belonged to and if I had any distinguishing marks or scars.

'It became a bit ridiculous when he wanted to know the colour of my hair as I have alopecia and there isn't a hair on my head. When I pointed this out he asked "What colour was your hair when you had some?" It went from ludicrous to unbelievable. He definitely had a bee in his bonnet about something and I got the brunt of it.'

Mr Sanders said the officer eventually admitted no law had been broken, but still insisted he should show his documents to be checked.

'The police should have better things to do than harassing law-abiding people this way. I missed an important meeting and my whole day was messed up and all for nothing. Its was certainly no joke.'

Superintendent Kevin Hagger of the Mersey Tunnels Police said: 'There is no record of the incident in the system so it seems the gentleman was just spoken to by the officer and the matter not taken any further.'

Solicitor Nick Freeman, dubbed Mr Loophole for his ability to clear celebrities of motoring offences in court, said laughing at the wheel could only be an offence if it caused the motorist to drive dangerously.

'If the man was swerving all over the road then the officer may have grounds to charge him with driving without due care and attention or dangerous driving,' he said.

Brian Gregory from the Association of British Drivers said: 'This is a shocking example of the police harassing innocent motorists simply because they are an easy target. To suggest that a driver could be prosecuted for laughing is ludicrous beyond belief.

'What next? Can we expect to hear of people being stopped for sneezing or coughing while they are at the wheel? What about the risk of listening to the radio... they might broadcast something that makes a driver laugh. Drivers have to be credited with some common sense.

'It is a fact that drivers who are happy and smiling are far safer on the roads than anyone uptight and stressed.

'Since the introduction of on-the-spot fines the police have become judge and jury and it's time these powers were reigned in a little. We are all human and sometimes we cannot control involuntary things like laughter.'

Saturday, February 21, 2009

the art of corporate mind control

the vision for our country...

The Action Wire keeps you up to date on current rumors and smears and equips you with the information to fight back against them. It's up to all of us to fight back and make sure everyone has the facts about Barack Obama and his vision for our country's future.

join them on facebook!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

ICN Informed Citizen News 02/08/09

a big fat lie...

Thursday, February 19, 2009 - Vol. 11, No. 47

Bought & Paid For

Geithner as an Example of Obama’s Brand of “Change”

Dear A-Letter Reader,

Some of us actually bought it.

“Hope,” “Change,” and “Yes we can.” The spirited mottos of newly-elected President Obama.

These days it’s sounding much more like “Yes, we can change hope,” as Barack’s zealous inexperience collides with one of the steepest learning curves ever faced by an American President.

But despite a handful of alarming early mistakes – like appointing several tax-dodgers to what will no doubt be the “spendiest” administration in U.S. history – surely Obama can bring some kind of change to the White House. It won’t be politics as usual, right? And it especially won’t be some deplorable Chicago brand of pay-for-play politics, right?

Despite the “truthiness” of Barack’s promises…the cold, hard facts would suggest otherwise.

Ladies & Gentlemen of the Jury, I Give You Tim Geithner

You know, George W. Bush left a vacuum in the White House when he left. There wasn’t anyone left who could kill the markets with a single speech. Well…we’re happy to report that Tim Geithner stepped up to that challenge and met it head-on, tanking the Dow by about 400 points in his first speech.

Tim Geithner. You may recall that he was one of the few Federal Reserve representatives who could explain the Bear Stearns deal in layman’s terms. He’s a young and uneasy looking go-getter with a silver spoon lodged down his throat. He’s not a big bank alumnus like Paulson. And he was picked by the demagogue of “change,”…so we all agreed to overlook his shady, tax-dodging ways.Currency Image

But he's got other talents as well.

And no, we don't mean making funny faces and embarrassing poses for the camera (which we're convinced to be his true purpose).

No, he's a master of seeming like he's in two pockets at the same time. Incredible really. All at once, this "rich kid" has for his whole career seemed to be a champion of the people and a friend of the banks. Nevermind the fact that this perception is now falling apart on a daily basis.

But in the words of history's bestselling book, "No man can serve two masters." So we've got to ask ourselves...who's little Timmy really working for?

The Proof...

Currency ImageA quick scan of the Internet will give you the table listed at the right. These are the top contributors to Barack Obama's Presidential campaign. This isn't a "secret" or a "conspiracy," it's a matter of public record.

On a tangent, it's remarkable to see that all these banks could still muster campaign money...despite needing taxpayer relief to the tune of tens - and even hundreds - of billions of dollars. Then again, it's probably good business...campaign contributions will keep the gravy train from getting derailed.

But we circled these three names in particular for a reason.

You see, something strange happened on the way to the Treasury. After months of Obama railing against the wicked ways of corporate lobbyists, Geithner appointed the former chief lobbyist of Goldman Sachs to serve as his head of staff.

Just gets better.

Geithner's new deputy secretary is a former CEO of Citigroup. Another CFO from Citigroup is now assistant to the President...and one of his assistants also came from Citigroup. To finish out the roster, a member of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board...yeah, he used to work at UBS.

But wait; there's more.

Geithner's "Brain Trust" of unofficial advisors includes John Thain - who formerly worked with both Goldman and Merrill Lynch - Gerald Corrigan (another former Goldman exec) and Hank Paulson (yet another former Goldman Exec). The icing on the cake here is Alan Greenspan, who exploited his own disastrous mismanagement of the Federal Reserve in a brief stint with Pimco last year, who's also got Geithner's ear.

Which leads us to ask...

Is there Any Question as to WHO is Steering Our Ship of State?

To which the prompt answer is; no.

And to be honest; it would be hard to argue that this is anything other than a perfect example of "Blagojevich-style" pay-for-play Chicago politics. This isn't a conspiracy's perfectly spelled out in plain sight. "You help me get elected, I'll help you fleece my taxpayers," "Deal!"

But let's pull back and take our anger out of the situation.

Yes, banks are good for the economy. That much is obvious. And when the banks get their "just deserts" (as in the 1930s or the Panic of 1873) the people suffer for decades. Sounds pretty simple.

But this isn't the 1930s, my friend.

And we've got to remember that Paulson, Geithner, Thain and was their leadership that got us here in the first place. Their institutions...their organizations that killed the golden goose and the financial system, bringing the economy down with it.

It's almost like getting into a cab with Evel Knievel behind the wheel. Thanks...but no thanks.

from the sovereign society newsletter

why we chose this name...

Above; A pool of water, joy
Below; Fire, brightness, beauty

In its original sense, Ge means an animal's pelt that molts every year, or a skin that is sloughed off. By extension, it can be taken to mean a great political change, a throwing off of government, or revolution. It retains at the same time, the original sense of revolution; a turn of the wheel of time or of fate. The two trigrams making up the hexagram are same as in 38 (opposites), but now they are reversed. The younger daughter being above and the elder daughter being below. The opposites are now in direct conflict like water over fire.
When there is revolution, none will believe in it before the day of its completion, but then there is complete success. Righteous persistence brings rewards and regrets vanish.
Water and fire extinguish each other like two women who share the same household but whose wills are in constant conflict. The revolution must come first, before the faith of the people in it will be established. An enlightened attitude, both to the change itself and to the means by which it is brought about, will bring joy in success, making it possible to put everything to rights. It is the power of the forces of heaven and earth to bring about the renewal that is revealed in the progress of the four seasons. Tang and Wu (Cheng Tang, 'the Competitor', the first of the Shang emperors, and Wu Wang, the son of King Wen) revolted in accordance with the will of heaven, and the people answered their call. Great indeed are the events of the time of throwing off.
Fire below water is the image of Ge. The Superior Man makes observations of the calendar, and determines the days of the seasons.

Line 1

He is wrapped in the skin of a yellow ox.

Yellow is the colour of the middle way, and the ox is the symbol of docility. The hour for change has not yet come and the wise man will refrain from making any changes until the time is ripe.

Line 2.

When the day comes
Throw off.
Go forward with good fortune.
No blame.

One should always attempt first to secure reform by moderate means. But when these are unsuccessful, revolution becomes necessary. Proper preparation is essential. The time must be right and a man with the necessary abilities and the support of the people is required.

Line 3

Action brings misfortune
Persistence brings danger,
But when throwing off has been three times discussed
One may commit oneself
and be believed.

This is a warning against haste and ruthlessness in initiating change, as well as against delay in the name of righteousness. The concepts should be discussed with care and the plans given mature consideration; only then is it wise and proper to set matters in motion.

Line 4

Regrets vanish.
One is accepted by the people.
Throwing off brings good fortune.

He who brings about a revolution of any kind must have the necessary authority, as well as the inner strength. Because inthe end the people will only support undertakings that they know to be good.

Line 5

The great man makes his changes
As the tiger molts his pelt
Even before he consults the oracle
He is believed.

The tiger, a symbol of brilliance and majesty, molts his coat every year. But the stripes, even though they may change, remain as clear and visible as ever. In the same way, when a great man leads a revolution, the reasons for the changes that he makes are apparent to all. He is so confident of his actions that he does not need to seek advice by divination.

Line 6

The Superior Man makes his changes
As the leopard molts his pelt.
The inferior man changes his face.
Beginning brings misfortune.
Righteous persistence brings good fortune.

When repression has been thrown off, or when a new direction has been established, the Superior Man continues to make smaller changes necessary to establish the new order. The leopard is the symbol of beauty, whose moult make sonly small changes in its spotted coat. Lesser men easily adapt to the new conditions; but to attempt to continue with radical changes will bring disaster. Success lies in perseverance along the middle way.

© 1979 Neil Powell

credit where credit is due